Friday, 20 September 2013

Goal 14: Warhol Pasta Necklaces

Have you ever seen an adult walking around, sporting a necklace made of bottle caps, pasta or straw pieces that some child has lovingly made them? Today, I became one of those people for the first time when I wore a colourful pasta necklace into a very glamorous hair salon. I wore it with pride... after all my little monster made it for me. I'm sure all those very tanned blonde women were jealous.

I think this weeks activity has been my favourite so far. Not only was it a whole lot of fun but it also went over two days. Anything that keeps that boy entertained for two days that doesn't involve a screen (IPad Anonymous for toddlers anyone?) is a big winner in my book.

Warhol Pasta Necklaces

I have found the most amazing way to dye pasta! My mother, who works in a preschool, has always done it with vegetable dye and a big pot of water. Mind you she is dying 10 bags of pasta at the one time so if you need that much coloured pasta that's the way to go. I wanted our pasta to be very bright... Kind of like a Warhol painting! The way I did mine was to put the pasta in a resealable sandwich bag, Put in a squirt or two of instant hand sanitiser and a few drops of food dye and give it all a good massage. This method makes it a lot easier to have a toddler involved as there is no real threat of dye and water going everywhere.

Leo was astounded that Mummy could make green and orange and, his favourite, purple all with just 3 other colours. I love being magical to this kid.

Dump the pasta onto a tray lined with paper and leave out to dry for a few hours. We left ours overnight and after the "Lady Toilet" left this morning (We had a continence nurse come round to help us with the monsters toilet resistance.) We got to stringing! I suggest using some tape on the end of whatever string/wool/cotton you use as it makes it easier for little fingers to thread the pasta.

Look at that man! This is one of the reasons I love my husband so much... He is such a blokey bloke but if his son asks him to string pasta necklaces AND wear them in public, he does it happily. Stud ❤

And of course here is the little man styling his pasta necklace. Très chic!

Today I crossed off another goal on my list.. I am now offically a blonde! Photo to follow!

13. Drastically change hair style and colour

Now bring on all the fun!

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  1. Oh so many memories of making these necklaces! I am rather jealous of your necklace I must admit :)

  2. It's pretty stunning for sure! And goes with everything.

    Thanks for the visit and the twitter follow!

  3. The necklace looks cute!! It went well with your colorful outfit that day!!

    it looks like your little boy was having a blast!!

    Stopping by from the blog hop!! :)
