As a child I always wanted to trick or treat and dress up for Halloween. When I was younger Halloween wasn't something that was really thought about or done here in Australia. It's only been the last couple of years that it's started to become a "thing".
I have never told Leo about Halloween, he has learned about it through watching shows like Yo Gabba Gabba. We have the Disney Junior channel so for the last few weeks he has been watching all the Halloween specials. We haven't gotten to the stage of trick or treating just yet... Where we live really isn't a great place for it. I'm sure when we move it will be something we will have to think about. No complaints here! (Mums are allowed to dress up too right?)
I thought about carving a pumpkin but still think he might be a little young so this year we made our own out of paper mache clay.
Paper Mache Pumpkin:
We started to paper mache a balloon that I had shaped into a pumpkin with string. This was a little bit too much for the monster as he has the attention span of.. well a 3 year old. I had a little mummy only outing to Spotlight last week and found this great paper mache clay and thought it would be perfect!
We shaped it into a little pumpkin, gave it a face and left it to dry for a day. Leo was able to look at pictures of jack-o'-lanterns and did a lot of the molding himself.
He then had to remember what primary colours made orange and green and paint the pumpkin with my help. We painted the inside black and popped a battery operated tea light in it and before you know it...
And no special event is complete without Leo and I getting out my mixer and making cupcakes! Gosh I love cupcakes.
Have a happy and spooky Halloween!
(PS: Happy 1 year wedding anniversary to my bestie Sarah and her husband Neel! xx)